Paragon ‘optimistic’ that its NTFS driver will be accepted into the Linux Kernel

Paragon, a software vendor, has announced that it is contributing 27K lines of code to Linux to provide support for NTFS formatted hard drives running on Linux.  NTFS is the NT File System, Microsoft's primary hard drive file format.

Paragon 'optimistic' that its NTFS driver will be accepted into the Linux Kernel

Biz goes public on plans, promises open source tools with kernel code

Paragon has submitted code for a read-write NTFS driver in the Linux kernel and told The Register that it also plans to provide its NTFS tools and utilities as open source.

The decision to offer the NTFS code for Linux emerged last month when the company submitted a 27,000 line patch to the kernel mailing list, raising complaints from code maintainers that it was too large to review.

The patch is now at version 4 and has been split into chunks as well as being cleaned up and bugs fixed.

“Though the decision about its acceptance is yet to be made, Paragon feels optimistic … it’s important to us that the Linux community can make use of NTFS included in the Linux kernel with confidence,” the company stated.

Linux currently has two NTFS drivers, a FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) driver which is read/write, and a kernel driver which is read-only. It is this latter driver that Paragon intends to replace.
