
Unscrupulous Vendors, be wary of them

Unscrupulous Vendors, be wary of them

Here’s an important thing to remember when working with any IT professional who installs any type of software onto your systems: Almost all “paid for” software requires an activation code, whether it’s the OS, Office, or any other application. If your previous IT consultant didn’t provide you with an email or document that contains the Unscrupulous Vendors, be wary of them

Accounting for complexity ahead of a problem – What type of website to build?

Accounting for complexity ahead of a problem - What type of website to build?

Decisions – What type of website to build: When planning out a project or new business process, the complexity (details) can overwhelm it, especially if not accounted for at the onset.  The trade-off of any new endeavor is balancing the cost of purchasing a solution, though imperfect, from an existing provider or creating your own Accounting for complexity ahead of a problem – What type of website to build?

Auto-Privacy Statements –

Privacy Statements are due diligence for any website.  In litigious America, anyone can be sued at any time. Having a privacy policy regarding your site is easy, and relatively cheap.  Privacy Policy is an auto-generating “privacy policy” site which will provide the user with standard, International, and GDPR compliant privacy policies that protect your site Auto-Privacy Statements –