MS integrates Power BI data types in Excel Cells

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"Since 1987, Excel has let you input numbers, text, and formulas into a two-dimensional grid. Now Excel is going 3D: Data types let any cell contain a rich set of structured data that can be updated directly from a live data source. Data types can have all the information you need to write formulas, create charts, sort, filter, and make decisions based on data that Excel fetches for you. Forget having to manually go back to the original source and input everything into the grid.

Microsoft has been testing this functionality for a while, but in a limited capacity. In March 2018, Microsoft gave Excel its first two data types: Geography powered by Bing and Stocks powered by Refinitiv. In March 2020, Microsoft promised new data types for over 100 topics powered by Wolfram Alpha, spanning food, movies, places, chemistry, and even Pokémon. Several of those data types are finally available today, albeit in preview. But we knew those were coming. The bigger news today is that Microsoft is finally giving businesses what they really want: data types based on their own customer data."