My COVID shutdown experience

My COVID shutdown experience

When Covid started, February 2020, I decided to expand my website with additional information that might be of some use to others.

With little to use that was coherent, I decided to create a list of the software that I use with my clients and that I have used over my career.

I got a little carried away, and started to included some of the beta software from It has a section where readers are able to submit their software for casual review.

I decided to include some of that into the tools 2020 page.

Tools 2022 is more formalized and stripped down, however I have been adding to it as well lately.

I didn't want the shutdown time to be wasted time, when I didn't accomplish anything, nor learn anything, etc.

The previous autumn I had broken up with a girlfriend, so I was bored and restless.

My next door neighboor, Ebony, was acting flirty, and invited me to several family cookouts with her friends and family.

But nothing developed until Cozy rolled into town. Cozy interupted my previoys attmept to enroll in edX, Hardvard's online CS50 Computer Science courses. They offer them as a paid certificate or free for the knowledge only.