Parkers Current Sheet & magnetic structure of a galaxy analysis

The magnetized disk-halo transition region of M 51 Issue A&A – Volume 642, October 2020 Article Number A118 – Number of page(s) 21 Section Extragalactic astronomy DOI Published online 12 October 2020 – A&A 642, A118 (2020) The magnetized disk-halo transition region of M 51⋆ M. Kierdorf1, S. A. Mao1, R. Beck1, A. Basu2,…

Different types of magnetism; all atoms are magnetic, including H2O, wood, air, everything!

Different types of magnetism All atoms are magnetic, including H2O, wood, air, everything!   Diamagnetism appears in all materials and is the tendency of a material to oppose an applied magnetic field, and therefore, to be repelled by a magnetic field Paramagnetic material there are unpaired electrons; an unpaired electron is free to align its…

Eight-mile wall of prehistoric rock art in Colombia featuring animals and humans created 12,500 years ago

The Sistine Chapel of the ancients: Eight-mile wall of prehistoric paintings of extinct animals and people painted by the first humans to reach South America 12,500 years ago is discovered in the Amazon rainforest Eight-mile wall of prehistoric rock art in Colombia featuring animals and humans created 12,500 years ago  Includes depictions of extinct animals…

Earth is closer to Sagittarius A* than previous presumed

Earth Is a Whole Lot Closer to Our Galaxy’s Supermassive Black Hole Than We Thought MICHELLE STARR 27 NOVEMBER 2020 It seems that Earth has been misplaced. According to a new map of the Milky Way galaxy, the Solar System’s position isn’t where we thought it was. Not only is it closer to the…


STEVE is smearing green ‘streaks’ across the sky, and nobody knows why

By Brandon Specktor – Senior Writer 7 days ago The green streaks only last for 30 seconds, then vanish. What are they? 1) A 2017 STEVE event over New Zealand reveals the strange new feature that astronomers are calling “streaks.” (Image: © Stephen Voss)   The mysterious, aurora-like phenomenon called STEVE just got a little…

Galactic Disk Wave – Filamentary structure in the disk of the Milky Way

A&A 642, A163 (2020)  – The history of dynamics and stellar feedback revealed by the H I filamentary structure in the disk of the Milky Way J. D. Soler1, H. Beuther1, J. Syed1, Y. Wang1, L. D. Anderson2, S. C. O. Glover3, P. Hennebelle4, M. Heyer5, Th. Henning1, A. F. Izquierdo6,7, R. S. Klessen3, H.…

neanderthal site portugal

Modern Humans Reached Westernmost Europe 5,000 Years Earlier Than Previously Known

Modern Humans Reached Westernmost Europe 5,000 Years Earlier Than Previously Known   View of the excavation of the early modern human (foreground) and Neanderthal layers (background) in Lapa do Picareiro.  Photo by Jonathan Haws   Modern humans lived in the westernmost part of Europe 41,000 – 38,000 years ago, about 5,000 years earlier than previously…

magnetic water

Water Science Experiment: Is Water Magnetic? Water, a clear liquid substance that we use every day. We use it for drinking, cooking, and cleaning. Quite ordinary don’t you think? Not quite, if you look closer. When two Hydrogen ions bond with one Oxygen ion, it creates a water molecule. But the question here is the resulted molecule magnetic? Let’s do…

JKirschvink SShimojo Human Magnetoreception.width 450

Evidence for a Human Geomagnetic Sense   Evidence for a Human Geomagnetic Sense     March 18, 2019 Scientists develop a robust experiment that shows human brain waves respond to changes in Earth-strength magnetic fields. Many humans are able to unconsciously detect changes in Earth-strength magnetic fields, according to scientists at Caltech and the University of Tokyo. The study, led…

11,000-year-old mine in underwater cave surprises archaeologists

11,000-year-old mine in underwater cave surprises archaeologists The ancient site, preserved like a time capsule deep in a Mexican cave system, gives a rare glimpse into the lives and actions of some of the first residents of the Americas. 5 Minute Read   By Maya Wei-Haas PUBLISHED July 3, 2020 In the spring of…