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Backups, Backups, Backups, & Restores – the ransomware antidote

Ransomware hits hundreds of dentist offices in the US Ransomware group gains access to dental software backend, deploys ransomware on customers’ systems. By Catalin Cimpanu for Zero Day | August 29, 2019 — 16:20 GMT (09:20 PDT) | Topic: Security https://www.zdnet.com/article/ransomware-hits-hundreds-of-dentist-offices-in-the-us/ Backups, Backups, Backups, & Restores – the ransomware antidote   Recently, dental professionals were targeted by hackers who attempted to extort ransoms…

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Secure, cloud-based file system storage for your organization @ $0.023/GB/month

In small businesses, I see reoccurring issues:  The file server is out of space. We don’t have a file server, so we email documents to each other. We have a file server, but our remote workers can’t access the files. The one hard drive that contains all of our data went caput for no apparent…