
<p>C#, Python, Javascript, PHP, PS, Shell, DOS, Auto Hot Keys, PERL, VB 6</p>

Open-source software advocate Eric Raymond suggest Windows as layer on top of Linux

Windows 10 Logo Windows to become emulation layer atop Linux kernel predicts Eric Raymond Happening in plain sight with Proton, WSL, and Edge-for-Linux says, open-source advocate Mon 28 Sep 2020 // 06:30 UTC   Open-source software advocate Eric S Raymond has penned an argument that the triumph of Linux on the desktop is imminent because Microsoft will soon tire of Windows. Open-source software advocate Eric Raymond suggest Windows as layer on top of Linux

Linux on Azure might no longer need Windows

Linux on Azure might no longer need Windows

Microsoft submits Linux kernel patches for a ‘complete virtualization stack’ with Linux and Hyper-V Linux on Azure might no longer need Windows Tue 15 Sep 2020 // 12:43 UTC   Microsoft has submitted a series of patches to the Linux kernel with its aim being “to create a complete virtualization stack with Linux and Microsoft Hypervisor.” The patches are Linux on Azure might no longer need Windows

Paragon ‘optimistic’ that its NTFS driver will be accepted into the Linux Kernel

Paragon, a software vendor, has announced that it is contributing 27K lines of code to Linux to provide support for NTFS formatted hard drives running on Linux.  NTFS is the NT File System, Microsoft’s primary hard drive file format. Paragon ‘optimistic’ that its NTFS driver will be accepted into the Linux Kernel Biz goes Paragon ‘optimistic’ that its NTFS driver will be accepted into the Linux Kernel

WebAssembly vs Javascript

WebAssembly, a core component of modern web browsers, allows a page to run natively compiled code in the web browser.  Through a combination of JavaScript and WebAssembly usage, it is possible to create experiences that are faster, less processing-intensive, and more optimizable than through JavaScript along or WebAssembly alone. In this article (24-minute read), Going WebAssembly vs Javascript

Introducing AWS Copilot

Amazon Web Services Logo by Nathan Peck | on 09 JUL 2020 | in Amazon Elastic Container Service, Containers | Permalink |  Share “The first official command-line tool for Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) was created in 2015. In December 2019, we shared the preview release of a new command-line experience, redesigned from the ground up to Introducing AWS Copilot

Google And Ubuntu Join Forces To Make Desktop Linux Even Better

Google And Ubuntu Join Forces To Make Desktop Linux Even Better Google is adopting the Microsoft model of merge and adapt it to their way.  Google has announced with Unbuntu that it is supporting its Flutter web app platform on Ubuntu Linux, one of the better Linux general computing desktop experiences.  Flutter is based on Google’s Dart programming language for web development.  By extending Flutter Google And Ubuntu Join Forces To Make Desktop Linux Even Better

Docker provides tighter integration with Azure

                              Docker expands relationship with Microsoft to ease developer experience across platforms Ron Miller@ron_miller / 1:43 pm CDT•May 27, 2020   “As its new mission suggests, it involves tighter integration between Docker and a couple of Azure developer tools including Docker provides tighter integration with Azure

Accounting for complexity ahead of a problem – What type of website to build?

Accounting for complexity ahead of a problem - What type of website to build?

Decisions – What type of website to build: When planning out a project or new business process, the complexity (details) can overwhelm it, especially if not accounted for at the onset.  The trade-off of any new endeavor is balancing the cost of purchasing a solution, though imperfect, from an existing provider or creating your own Accounting for complexity ahead of a problem – What type of website to build?

F-Growth: app revenue independent of marketing

F-Growth: app revenue independent of marketing

“In this post, I will discuss features of freemium products, which I work with mainly, and introduce the complex parameter F-Growth, which is useful both for internal and external assessments of freemium products, especially from the viewpoint of investing in and marketing them. ” – Ilya Osipov So, as a caveat, this aside F-Growth: app revenue independent of marketing