Ok, so your business is now shut down, as far as office work goes. Everyone is at home, trying to figure out how to remain employed.
You have computers at the office, but your employees can't come in because we are practicing social distancing.
What are you to do?
Virtual Work!
- All of your work computers can be remotely controlled from another computer across the internet. Almost every function, except printing whatever peripherals are connected, is available over the internet, using easy to use remote software. We can help you install and configure the remote software.
- Sharing your files has never been easier with secure encrypted cloud storage software and Amazon Web Services S3 Cloud Storage.
- Communicating with your employees is easier than email with free, real-time, instant messaging apps.
- Video communications are easier with new, market place phenomenons such as Zoom.
At myTech.Today, we can set up and configure all of this so that your employees can continue their work and home.