Windows 10 could start bullying people into using a Microsoft account to install
February 21, 2020"Windows 10 has reportedly removed the option to go with a local account when installing the operating system in more regions across the world than just the US.
Previously, the change made for US users involved the removal of the option to use a local account, as opposed to setting up Windows 10 with a Microsoft account (essentially linking the OS installation to your account, password and data therein)."
Microsoft makes further inroads into your personal information with this new change. Previously, the user had the option to create a local account as the main user for the computer. Now, Microsoft forces the user to create or use a previously used Microsoft Account, such as or Honestly, I don't know why Microsoft tries because these accounts provide no benefit to me nor any other user. Thus the reason to use a local account during setup.
Also, the telemetry and data that Microsoft collected on the user are beyond the pale. Cortana, of course, listens to everything in the room. So, it's a good idea to disable that. The telemetry data and keystroke recording of your writing being sent to Microsoft is perhaps the most disturbing part of the entire scheme.
However, now Microsoft is making the linkup process with the Microsoft Account is inevitable.
It's not. I've got a way to take care of it. Give a call and we can take of protecting your data privacy from the peering eyes of Microsoft.