Dear Subscribers,

First, I'd like to shout out to all of the recent graduates who made the transition to a new chapter of their lives this past week.

Some of the new AI tools are becoming more constructive and specific tasks based this week. For example, is a voice-to-voice-based AI. So you can speak to, and the AI will talk back with a computer-simulated voice, which is quite realistic.

I've tried to reduce the number of code-specific entries. In the past, some of my entries in this newsletter were very specific about what programmers can use. In this newsletter and the future, I am making it more accessible to the general computer-using public.

I hope you enjoy this week's newsletter, and as always, you can send me feedback at Kyle[@]myTech.Today Also, today give me a call if you have any shoes that you need help with at 847-767-4914.

Best regards,

Kyle Rode
email: kyle[at] - there is no .com at the end!
cell: eight-four-seven-seven-six-seven-four-nine-one-four

#IT #Newsletter #Summer23 #AIAdvancements #ShellAI #VoiceBasedAI #SwiftStart #CodeComments #Unskript #OpenSource #DBGPT #DataInteraction #Loofi #SQLBuilder #WorkflosAI #SaaSFinder #JavaScriptOfficeLibrary #Appinvento #SoftwareDevelopment #Keka #FileArchiver #URLR #LinkShortening #PlanitEarth #TravelPlanner #IACrea #RealEstateDesign #MuzifyAI #MusicPlaylist #CodeCraftersIO #Renters #AtomicObject #BookClub #BuddhistUniversityNet #Buddhism #DotNetConsoleGames #NET #Education #Inspiration #Feedback #Assistance